Allyson McElroy is a nationally-known author & speaker and member of the John Maxwell Team. Recognized for her humor-in-hiding style, she encourages, equips, and empowers others to speak God's Word over their lives.
Find out more about her newest books, free Bible studies, and her values-based business training below or click the link to connect.
Say: Speaking God's Promises delivers laugh out loud stories, gut-check moments, and “Amen, that’s what I needed” verses. This 28-day devotion walks readers through life and teaches its audience to speak the very words of God. You’ll be inspired and then equipped to live the life God created just for you. Through her humor-in-hiding style
Say: Speaking God's Promises delivers laugh out loud stories, gut-check moments, and “Amen, that’s what I needed” verses. This 28-day devotion walks readers through life and teaches its audience to speak the very words of God. You’ll be inspired and then equipped to live the life God created just for you. Through her humor-in-hiding style, author Allyson McElroy will make you feel like she’s right there with you, praying and saying to each of life’s situations. Best of all, the accompanying is Bible study is free to download!
What if we could speak words so powerful that they brought life and healing and restoration and freedom? What if we could say words and phrases that would mend relationships, comfort broken hearts, and release us and others from the bondage of fear and disease?
We can.
He Said, She Says dives into the words our Heavenly Father says to us th
What if we could speak words so powerful that they brought life and healing and restoration and freedom? What if we could say words and phrases that would mend relationships, comfort broken hearts, and release us and others from the bondage of fear and disease?
We can.
He Said, She Says dives into the words our Heavenly Father says to us throughout the Bible and equips women of all ages and in all walks of life to pray those powerful, life-giving, healing, bondage-breaking words.
"I'm thrilled to release this FREE, downloadable study designed for women's small groups. This 10-week, in-depth study of God's promised blessings focuses on connection, discipleship, and action. It's straight from my heart and accompanies the book Say: Speaking God's Promises (available on Amazon and other online stores)." ~Allyson
Allyson offers award-winning training on value-based customer service, communications, leadership, handling irate issues, and more through On3OnPurpose.
I love any verse with a promise - and there are many! But this verse resonates with me. Our purpose - if nothing else - is to use our lives to draw men, women, children, families, and everyone to the Savior.
Michael & I met in 1998. God told me (that's right) that I'd marry Michael. In 2007 Cole was born & the dog in the middle... well, that's Bentley. We love our church, traveling, baseball, and jazz. Okay, I'm the one who likes jazz...
Ha! Well, I love violin music, Mediterranean food, Hallmark movies, and The Office. I love old hymns and the smell of church pews. I can pretty much win any contest involving singing all the words to hymns or Christmas carols.
This changed in 2021 - not my calling, but the way I fulfill that calling. I have always been a writer, and I feel God is prompting me to encourage & empower women through my recent book and Bible study.
So I toggle between worship (Great Are You Lord, RATTLE, Never Lost) and 80s/90s (Billie Jean, Don't Stop Believin') and Jazz (Anything Vince Guaraldi)
My purpose & calling is to speak life to others so they can passionately pursue their God-given purpose. Sometimes this means breaking chains that keep them from purpose. Sometimes this means simply allowing others to see themselves the way God seems them - empowered!
"In 2017 I felt a call on my life to leave the business world – my comfort zone for 20 years. Still not convinced, I sat, stranded, at an Orlando airport. I’d just been trained by THE John Maxwell at a leadership certification conference. I felt inspired, yet unsure of purpose or a plan. Right in that airport I heard the inaudible voice of God speak to me: “On 3.” What happens when a couple of friends lift a heavy couch? They say, “Okay, on the count of three. 1… 2…” and on 3, it happens. Taking a group photo? “Smile! On the count of three. 1… 2…” and on 3, it happens. But so many of us are like that little girl on the edge of the diving board. She’s lathered in sunscreen, Little Mermaid swimsuit and matching arm floaties on, waiting to take her leap, but too scared of the waters below. Her “1… 2…” never gets to 3. That day I created On3Ministries and On3OnPurpose to encourage and empower others to take their On 3 leap into the life God purposed for them… with passion!
Today Allyson is an author & speaker for both ministry groups and businesses. Find out more about On3OnPurpose by clicking here.
Dynamic, motivating, empowering, and hilarious:
Maybe you've seen Allyson ministering at a women's conference, small group meeting, or even at your local church. Or perhaps you've laughed with through On3Ministries' Facebook page. No matter how you know her, you know these adjectives describe her and - in the end - they will describe YOU. Because God has a dynamic, motivating, and empowering plan for you! (And, yes, it's often hilarious, in a good way!)